Monday, July 20, 2009

Day One of South Dakota - July 13, 2009

Most of the car was already packed this morning, only after dragging Amber (the dog) out of the back of the station wagon. She was well aware that we were headed somewhere and she was desperate to make certain she was not left behind. As we finished the last of the loading, she was not taking a step out of the garage, and my heart broke as I drug her inside so we could leave.

Along the way, the kids rooted through their bag of goodies to find all the many objects I had packed to keep them entertained, from the etch-a-sketches and South Dakota themed activity books, to the good old markers and notepads. We switched drivers outside of Council Bluffs, and then took a picnic lunch at a rest stop just past Elk Point, South Dakota.

We arrived in Mitchell, South Dakota, around 2:30 and headed straight for the Prehistoric Indian Village. This was a small, well staffed museum and archealogical dig site for an Indian village which was abandoned approximately 1,000 years ago. The small museum was well thought out and the dig site is accessible to the public. The only hands-on activity, however, was a spear-throwing area, which was not staffed. The kids did enjoy this activity, quite a bit, but the experience was not worth the cost.

After leaving the museum, we headed to the KOA, pitched our tent, and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. Once dinner was over, we headed back into town for The World's Only Corn Palace. As corny (sorry for the pun) as this place is, it is also fascinating. The artwork is beautiful and made completely from corn. The kids wandered through the shop for quite some time, and for a free attraction, I would highly recommend it. Plus the corn on the cob is wonderful.

As we were exiting the corn palace, we learned that a thunderstorm was headed our way with 70 mph winds and hail. This did not sound pleasing, so we spoke to the gentlemen at the KOA and upgraded to a cabin. Just as we finished the move, the storm began. We ended up with over an inch of rain and maximum wind gusts of 55 mph. While the worst of the storm hit, we played card games in the cabin and began reading Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity.

A second thunderstorm was on its way, disappointing the kids as they were not able to swim. Around 9:30, we decided to give up and head to bed, knowing we had a full day ahead of us at the Badlands.

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